The Filogix Mortgage Marketplace is now open to Alternative, MIC and Private Lenders

Today we are sharing some exciting news regarding the progress we have made with the Filogix Mortgage Marketplace. We are very pleased to announce that our marketplace is now open to Alternative, MIC and Private Lenders.

As your trusted connectivity provider, we have been collaborating with several industry players creating new, innovative connectivity solutions that will simplify access to alternative, MIC and private lending offerings. We welcome myBrokerBee and Newton as the first of several providers to the marketplace. To learn more or to get set-up on the Filogix Expert Alternative, MIC and Private Lender dropdown, lenders can choose to contact Filogix or they can reach out to the partner of their choice.

As we continue opening up connectivity to alternative, MIC and private lenders in the coming months, we plan to remove the ability to print the Mortgage Application, and Mortgage Summary from Expert.

We will provide notice to our partners prior making any major changes to ensure you have the time needed to start the process to join the Filogix Mortgage Marketplace.
Stay tuned for more information regarding updates to the Expert platform and our Filogix Mortgage Marketplace.
The Filogix Mortgage Marketplace is Open, providing choice for all!

The Filogix Team